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Gualala Art Center
46501 Gualala Road, Gualala, California

The Deckle Edge Group was founded 11 years ago by four artists who were using handmade paper as a fine art medium. It was not a medium that was part of the mainstream, but they saw it as a way to expand their artistic expression. They decided it would be interesting and beneficial to meet and share information while visiting each others' studios. Since that time the Group has expanded to nine. It continues to evolve as members focus on other artistic endeavors and new people join.

The Group shows its work together from time to time. Each artist has a unique way of using the medium, offering the viewer a wide diversity of artistic possibilities.

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Artists (from left) Jill Henry, Andrea Tucker-Hody, Lori Goodman and Martha Preble
surrounded by Lori's kozo sculptures at the Group's opening reception.

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